Teeth whitening with our dentist West Bridgford using POLA teeth whitening system

November 7, 2022


If you have been considering whitening your teeth, then you may have seen that there are different teeth whitening systems available at different dental practices. Teeth whitening at the dentist is safe and effective. Scientifically and clinically proven and trusted by dentists worldwide, the POLA teeth whitening system is used by our dentist here at Hilton Dental Clinic to give our patients beautiful, white smiles.Teeth whitening is one of the most commonly sought-after cosmetic dental procedures, and it can either be carried out in the convenience of your own home or at a dental clinic; this will depend on your dental requirements and personal preferences. Teeth whitening is now easier than ever before, and there is no need to be embarrassed by yellow or stained teeth any longer.There are several different reasons why your teeth may become yellow or stained. Poor dental hygiene is one of the most common causes of yellow teeth. If you avoid dental checkups, then plaque and tartar can build up on the surface of your teeth and staining, which begins superficially, can become more stubborn and even irreversible. Brushing your teeth at least twice a day for two minutes, flossing after meals and using a good mouthwash is crucial for maintaining a beautiful white smile. For the best results, it is also important that you attend dental checkups at least once every six months and undergo professional dental cleaning with our hygienist; this will help keep your teeth clean and white.Certain foods and drinks can also stain your teeth. Typical food and drinks that can discolour and stain your tooth enamel include spicy foods, red wine, black tea and coffee. If you are affected by stubborn staining that cannot be removed by normal dental hygiene, speak to our dentist West Bridgford and inquire about dental whitening with POLA.How does the POLA teeth whitening system work?POLA teeth whitening works using hydrogen peroxide and carbamide peroxide to break down longer stain molecules into short, colourless molecules that can then be removed from the teeth by your saliva. Our dentist West Bridgford will provide you with an at-home treatment kit and a full set of instructions.To begin with, you must brush your teeth as you would normally. You will be provided with whitening trays as part of the treatment kit, and you must place a small drop of whitening gel in every tooth compartment of your tray. The trays will be tailored and manufactured to fit your teeth with accuracy and precision. You must place your tray into your mouth to begin the whitening process. Wipe away any excess gel, and sit back and relax while the peroxide breaks down the stain molecules and whitens your teeth.The instructions will let you know how long you need to keep the tray in your mouth. The day treatment gel is designed to be worn for approximately 30 minutes to an hour, whilst the night gel should be worn overnight and works whilst you sleep.If this interests you, speak to our dentist West Bridgford today and learn more about teeth whitening and how the POLA teeth whitening system could be a great solution for you.

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