How are dental implants carried out at our dental clinic?

November 9, 2022


Dental implants West Bridgford are a surgical procedure used to replace missing teeth. It is a permanent method of tooth replacement which takes several months to complete. If you are thinking about replacing your teeth with dental implants West Bridgford then read on to find out about the process itself, so that when you visit our dentist at Hilton Dental Clinic you are already aware of what to expect.Digital planning for best resultsTo begin with you need to book a consultation with our dentist where you will undergo a thorough examination of your teeth and gums to make sure that you have no underlying dental health issues and that dental implants are suitable for you. We will carry out a three-dimensional scan as well as a traditional X-ray when necessary to create a digital image of your teeth. Digital dental technology has helped improve the success rate of dental implants hugely and is highly beneficial for letting us visualise your mouth so that we can plan your surgery accordingly. The digital scan helps us replicate what your teeth, gums and jawbone look like and we will use this information to put together your treatment plan. We are able to decide how many implants will be needed to replace your missing teeth, as well as the width and the length of each implant and the position in which they need to be inserted into the jaw.Here at Hilton Dental Clinic we offer ‘all on 4’ dental implants which means you can replace an entire arch of your teeth with four dental implants. Together with the examination of your mouth and the digital image we can make an informed decision on how to carry out the surgery and whether or not dental implants West Bridgford are suitable for you. Patients with excessive bone loss or certain medical conditions which affect the body's healing process may not be suitable for dental implants and we will offer you other alternatives. During the initial consultation you are able to ask our dentist as many questions as you like and if we need to carry out any restorative dental treatment then this will also be planned accordingly.Dental implant surgeryDental surgery is an invasive procedure and we will aim to make the process as comfortable and pain-free as possible. Some patients require bone grafting if they have insufficient healthy jawbone. A small hole will be drilled into the bone socket of your missing tooth and the implant is inserted directly into the jawbone. This then takes approximately 4 months for the implant to be embedded into the bone. We will carry out regular assessments to make sure that the healing process is coming along successfully. Once the implant is embedded into place we can replace your missing tooth with your choice of prosthetic. This can be designed digitally to make sure it fits your mouth precisely and that it matches your natural dentition. Speak to us at the clinic today and find out more about dental implants and replacing your missing teeth.

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