Dentistry during pregnancy

May 18, 2021


Our private dentist in Nottingham is well aware of the many needs of our patients, particularly during pregnancy. The additional complexity of providing dental care during pregnancy creates interesting dynamics between our staff and the two patients in the room! We understand that in between midwife appointments and the other necessary preparations dental care is unlikely to be your highest priority, but there are several dental conditions which become more common during pregnancy and risk factors that have to be taken into account.

There is significant biological stress on the mother throughout her pregnancy, particularly in the third trimester when there is a peak in hormones that can magnify any inflammation. This opens the mother to a wide variety of dental and gum related conditions. Treating or managing these conditions whilst ensuring the safety of the unborn child adds to the complexity of the care that we provide.

Despite people being far more open about the medical complications that occur during pregnancy, dental aspects remain unspoken leading many first-time mothers shocked by changes that have occured during their pregnancy, such as changes in gum structure or transient tumours that should under no circumstances be considered a normal part of a healthy pregnancy.

Part of the service we provide is to help educate everyone about the common dental changes that do occur in a significant majority of pregnancies, so here we have broken down the most common ones that our private dentist in Nottingham team sees and treats.

Hormonally induced gingivitis

Hormones are part of the body's signalling and communication; they are released into the bloodstream where they have a holistic effect on the body. Hormones that facilitate the healthy development of a baby can have unwanted consequences on tissue elsewhere in the body. One of these tissues is our gums which during pregnancy are particularly susceptible to gingivitis. Severe bouts of gingivitis can continue on into full-blown gum disease and result in the loss of teeth if not treated. Although the use of high fluoride compounds is not recommended during pregnancy, there are treatment options which our dentists will be happy to talk you through, such as a scale and polish and mouthwashes.

Rapid onset dental erosion

Dental erosion is a common condition suffered by many people, but during pregnancy two effects combine to leave an expectant mother particularly susceptible to very rapid dental erosion. During development of a baby, calcium is required, not only for bone development but also nerve development and brain structure. The developing infant’s need for calcium will be met, even if this is at the expense of the mother and her bone density may reduce as calcium is redirected to the developing infant. One of the types of bone which can decalcify are the teeth which can leave the enamel layer of the teeth low in calcium and becoming soft and porous. When this occurs simultaneously with morning sickness (exposing our teeth to stomach acid) rapid onset dental erosion is the result.

If you are pregnant and have any dental concerns please feel free to get in contact. Even if an appointment is not required, we are happy to provide you with further advice over the phone from our private dentist in Nottingham.

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